So, yesterday I was reading an article about a women who had a miscarriage at 19 weeks and the article talked a lot about the family's experience as well as detailing how a 19 week fetus, and those of similar gestational age look human and are not just a "clump of cells." Well this post is not about that article, but about the comments to that article.
Why arguing is pointless
As with most articles, whether talking about abortion, global warming or even the color of sheets that people most prefer, it seems that in the comment section there seems to always be a battle between Christians and Non-Christians. It seems to always turn into an argument that both sides think they can win, but in reality neither side will gain any ground. I cannot answer for the non-believers, but I can say this to those who believe: Why bother arguing? The Bible is clear:
1 Corinthians 2:14 But the unbeliever does not welcome what comes from God’s Spirit, because it is foolishness to him; he is not able to understand it since it is evaluated spiritually.The unbeliever will always view God and anything about Him as foolish. We cannot, in ourselves, do anything about that. So, as a believer this is what we should do. Arguing is futile.
Titus 3:6 But avoid foolish debates, genealogies, quarrels, and disputes about the law, for they are unprofitable and worthless.It is God alone who can change the heart of the unbeliever. He alone can call the sinner to Himself. He may use us in that process, but in reality, arguing on a message board will not win anyone for Christ.
The Devil causes sin
This comment was on the message board SO much! Saying this like "the devil causes sin in the world" or "the devil made me do it" is giving the devil way to much credit. The devil cannot make us sin, he can only tempt us to sin. The sin comes from our own heart. We are all born with a sinful nature and it is by the grace of God we are brought out of that nature into a new nature in Christ.
The baby will be in heaven
Many Christians tried to give comfort for the family telling them their baby is in heaven and in God's arms. Where does the Bible tell us this? No where. Each and everyone of us were conceived in sin and each and everyone of us must deal with the consequences of sin. That goes for those who are in the womb as well as those who are living in the world. If as a Christian we believe that the fetus inside the mother is a human with a soul, we must also believe that the child is sinful, even though he/she is not yet born. As Christians, we also believe that God will justly judge all humans and give them the consequences they deserve. I am sure that the unborn who have passed away will be judged in a just way just as us who live today. I am not saying unborn children our young children who pass away before they themselves are conscience of such a decision as to follow Christ will not be in heaven, but I cannot say with certainty that they will be.
Why would a loving God cause a baby to die?
This question was asked multiple times. The answer, while partly given was never fully explained. Yes, our God is loving, but he is also wrathful and jealous. The nature of God is more than love. The real reason, however, that a baby dies is because of sin. Yes, this was pointed out by many people. Sin causes death.
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.Death entered the world when Adam and Eve ate the fruit. It was not completely Eve's fault. She was tempted to sin, Adam was not. Eve would not have eaten if the devil hadn't tempted her. Adam was there the whole time the devil was speaking to Eve and did not even try to stop her. The command had been given to Adam, and not to Eve. Well, anywho, I am getting a little off topic here, let me get back to my point. Sin entered the world through sin. Before sin, there was no death.
Going back to the question, yes, the death of the child was the will of God, or it would not have happen. This does not make God evil for allowing the child to die. Death and sin was necessary for Christ to come. If there was no death or sin, then Christ would not have come and we would still be living in the Garden of Eden without sin and with a perfect relationship with God. This, however, would not have served God's purpose of man. Man is here to glorify God. God wants the greatest glory for Himself. If everything had remained perfect, and there was no sin, how much would we appreciate what God had done for us? We would not know despair or sadness to know what joy and happiness would feel like. The greatest glory for God is having His son come and give Himself for us. Remember, Christ was the plan from the beginning. All of creation and everything that has happened was for Christ and the glory of God. Sin and death was necessary for Christ to come. One day, everything will return to paradise. We will again live in perfect harmony with our God and creator. It isn't here yet, but it is coming.
You can't judge me!
Um, if you are a Christian I can. The Bible tells me to do that. What we are not to judge is whether or not someone is a believer. We cannot tell by looking at someone if they are or are not a Christian. We should reserve this type of judging to God, and God alone. (I believe this is what James is talking about). We are to judge the actions of our fellow believers. If we see our brothers and sisters straying away from God, we are to point that out to them, lovingly, and bring them back to Christ. (This is talked about in Matthew).
One of the commenters stated how he hated Christians because they were hypocritical and did not approve (or allow) him to live in a sinful situation. We are hypocrites. We are not perfect. Even though we are Christians, we are still sinners. It is by the grace of God we can claim a relationship with Him and believe we can go to heaven, when what we deserve is Hell. It is not a Christians place to tell him not to live in sin because he is not a Christian. I do think this commenter is giving Christians too much credit in the equal marriage debate. How much influence do we Christians have in politics? How many of the politicians today are truly Christian? If Christians had their way in all things, abortion would be illegal as would any sin that could be committed, but a vast majority of sins (according to the Bible) are legal and even protected under the law.
So, I really should not read the comment sections on articles. The get me so riled up, but I know it is pointless to argue with those who think I'm crazy no matter what I say. I do believe we should share our faith, but I see no need to argue my believes with other people. I do not need to prove my believes to anyone. Just like the old argument, "Prove to me that God exist!" I want to ask them to prove that He doesn't, but that to is just pointless.
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